C#.NET(Topics & Contents)-30 Hrs
DotNet Introduction(1 Hrs)
- DotNet vs Java vs Php
- Types of Languages
- Types of Applications
- DotNet Introduction
- DotNet Applications
- DotNet Features
- DotNet Architecture
- DotNet Executions
- DotNet Components
- Sample programs in console application
C# Introduction(2 Hrs)
- C# Introduction
- C# Datatypes (Value types, Reference types)
- C# Operators (Arithmetic, Relational, Logical, Bitwise, Assignment, Misc)
- C# Statements
- Decision Making Statements
- simple if
- if else
- else if
- nested if
- switch
- Looping Statements
- for
- while
- do while
- foreach
- Uncondition Statements
- break
- continue
- goto
- C#.NET Controls
- Button
- TextBox
- Label
- RadioButton
- CheckBox
- ListBox
- ComboBox
- RichTextBox
- MaskedTexBox
- DateTimePicker
- GroupBox
- Panel
- Timer
- ProgressBar
- etc.,
Array and Types(1 Hrs)
- Array
- Array Introduction
- Array Category
- Rectangler Array
- Jagged Array
- Array Types
- One Dimensional Array
- Two Dimensional Array
- Multi Dimensional Array
- Structure
- advantages
- (ex)
- disadvantages
- Enum
- advantages
- (ex)
Logical Programs (3 Hrs)
- Number Programs(5Programs)
- Array Programs(5 Programs)
- String Programs
- Pattern Programs
Funcion & Types(2 Hrs)
- Function Introduction
- 4 types
- W/o Arguments w/o ReturnType
- W Arguments w/o ReturnType
- W/o Arguments w ReturnType
- W Arguments w ReturnType
- Nested calling function
- Recursive function
- Function Passing Parameter
- Option Parameter or Default Parameter
- Named Parameter
- Call By Value
- Call By Reference (ref keyword)
- Returning more tn one value (out keyword)
- Passing array values (params keyword)
- Array Inbuilt functions
- String Inbuilt functions
OOPS Concepts(6 Hrs)
- OOPS Introduction
- Advantages
- Features
- Class
- Object
- Abstraction
- Encapsulation
- Inheritance
- Polymorphism
- Sample Project using OOPS (class, object)
- Accessing Private members outside from the class
- Property (4 types)
- Methods
- Constructor
- Constructor
- Default Constructor
- Parametrized Constructor
- Copy Constructor
- Static Constructor
- Private Constructor
- Destructor
- Keywords
- static
- const
- readonly
- is
- as
- base
- this
- dynamic
- var
- Inheritance and Abstraction
- Single Inheritance
- Multilevel Inheritance
- Multiple Inheritance
- Hierarchical Inheritance
- Hybrid Inheritance
- Why C# does not support Multiple Inheritance (collision problem) (ex)
- How to achieve Multiple Inheritance (Interface) (ex)
- Class vs Interface
- Interface sample program (ex)
- Achieving Multiple Inheritance using Interface (ex)
- Avoid collision problem using interface (ex)
- Abstract class sample program (ex)
- purpose of Interface
- purpose of Abstract class
- Interface vs Abstract class
- Diamond problem (ex)
- Polymorphism
- Method hiding (shadowing)
- Static Polymorphism
- program with single class
- program with two classes
- Dynamic Polymorphism
- program with virtual keyword
- program with abstract keyword
- Encapsulation
- Properties (Auto Impemented Property)
- Access Specifiers
- Private
- Protected
- Internal
- Internal Protected
- Public
- Types of classes
- Abstract class
- Nested class
- Partial class
- Sealed class
- Static class
SQL Server Introduction (3 Hrs)
- Database Introduction
- Sql Queries
- DDL (Create, Alter, Drop, Truncate, Rename)
- DML (Insert, Delete, Update)
- DQL (Select, Merge)
- DCL (Grant, Revoke)
- TCL (Commit, Rollback, SavePoint)
- Comparision operator(<,>,<=,>=,<>,!=)
- Aggregate functions(COUNT, SUM, AVG, MIN, MAX)
- Clauses (Order By, Group By, Having)
- Sub Queries (ANY, ALL)
- Set Operators (UNION , UNION ALL)
- DateTime Inbuilt functions
- String Inbuilt functions
- Ranking Functions
Constraints & Joins
- Constraints
- Primary Key
- Unique Key
- Not Null
- Check
- Default
- Foreign Key
- Composite Key
- Setting constraints when creating tables
- Setting constraints after creating tables
- Joins
- Inner Join
- Left Join
- Right Join
- Full Join
- Cross Join
- Self Join
Advanced SQL( 3 Hrs)
- Functions
- Scalar Function
- Inline Table Valued Funtion
- Stored Procedure
- Without Parameter Without ReturnType
- With Parameter Without ReturnType
- Without Parameter With ReturnType
- With Parameter With ReturnType
- Writing multiple queries in a single Stored Procedure
- Triggers
- After Triggers (Insert, Delete, Update)
- Instead of Triggers (Insert, Delete, Update)
- Magic Tables
- Index
- Clustered Index
- Non Clustered Index
- View
- ex
- advantages
ADO.Net Introduction(3 Hrs)
- ADO.NET Introduction
- ADO.NET Architecture
- ADO.NET Object
- Connection Object
- Command Object
- DataReader Object
- DataSet Object
- DataAdapter Object
- DataTable Object
- ADO.NET Connectivity
- com.ExecuteNonQuery()
- com.ExecuteReader()
- com.ExecuteScalar()
- DataReader example
- DataAdapter example
- ComboBox data filling
- GridView data filling
Class Library, File Handling, Exception Handling,Multi Threading(3 Hrs)
- Class Library
- create assembly file (.dll) (ex)
- using assembly file in another project
- .dll vs .exe
- Exception Handling
- Types of error
- keywords
- try
- catch
- throw
- finally
- user defined exceptions (ex)
- MultiThreading
- Threading
- Thread states
- Thread priorities
- example program
- File Handling
- Files and streams
- File modes
- File Access
- Code of Create, Write, Read, Delete, Open
Delegates,Collections,Generics(2 Hrs)
- Delegates
- Simple Delegate program
- Multicast Delegate program
- Events
- Event sample program
- Delegate with event program
- Collections
- Disadvantages of Array
- Advantages of collections
- Collection classes
- ArrayList
- HashTable
- SortedList
- Stack
- Queue
- BitArray
- Disadvantages
- Generics
- Advantages
- Generic classes
- List
- HashSet
- SortedSet
- SortedList
- SortedDictionary
- Dictionary
- LinkedList
- LinkedListNode
- Stack
- Queue
Crystal Report(1 Hr)
- Real Time Windows Project Explanation
- Crystal Report
- Example of Csrystal Report